BigCommerce OAuth Laravel
Single Click Apps you should have heard this term in BigCommerce Ecosystem, Well This means the app you can quickly install. Awesome, Isn't it? Right
But, Creating a single click app using Laravel as a backend is not that much easy task, Basically it's confusing, Especially Oauth authentication. No need to worry, That why BigCommerce OAuth Laravel packages comes into place.
Quick and easy package which handles all callbacks automatically, With good customisation
Install package using command line, Using
composer require cronixweb/bigcommerce-oauth-laravel
Now, It's installed.
Package comes with database tables which used to store and link BigCommerce Store and User You need to publish migration stubs.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=bigcommerce-auth-migrations
Once it's published, So refresh database with changes.
php artisan migrate
Environment variables
Get All details from (opens in a new tab)
Then setup ENV variables, Which are
Register Callback Routes
Once Environment variables are set up, You need to have a routes of which you will get callbacks from bigcommerce For that, Add this into web.php file
use CronixWeb\BigCommerceAuth\BigAuthRoutes;
There are mainly two callbacks, First one is installation and second one is load callback.
1). When user installs single click app first time, User will be redirected to our installation url where we are storing all necessary details (you can say it's kinda like registration), And then just logging in that user.
2). Callback is load callback, It's being called when user is opening app anytime after installation, Where getting required details which is required for logging in user.
Laravel Session on iFrame
BigCommerce loads whole single click app in iframe, On other hand our app which is made of laravel needs to activate php session for authentication. For session to work under iframe and make browser accept cookie so that session can work. We need to change things in config/session.php
Add true in SESSION_SECURE_COOKIE default value
Change same_site => lax to none
'secure' => env('SESSION_SECURE_COOKIE', true),
'same_site' => 'none',
Submit URLs in DevTools
Again you need to open BigCommerce Devtools (opens in a new tab), Put callbacks in your app configurations,
BOOM App is ready with BigCommerce Authentication 🥳
NOTE: Don't forget to use https, BigCommerce does things inside iframe which required SSL because main website is using it
View Files
Again, wanted to take control over view files, Which is used to display default error. then you can run this command to get view files published.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=bigcommerce-auth-views